Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pink Moon Rising

I’ve had an ugly head and chest cold this week.  There are so many things I could say about that, but you’ve all experienced the congestion, the coughing, the sneezing, the phlegm!  The thing that is hanging on, and really bothering me at the end of this virus, is this:  I can’t smell or taste anything! UGH! Been there?

I have a hot cup of green ginger tea with honey next to me as I write today, but those sips are tasting like…well…hot water.  I know the tea and honey are doing good things in my throat, but the joy of tasting is not there. 

I know my son made breakfast today, complete with bacon and fried potatoes. However, I cannot smell any of it.  It makes a difference.

I am diffusing Thieves© Essential Oil all over the house so that our immune systems can get built up, the house can be disinfected, and Thieves also dissolves excess mucus. I’ve been oiling with RC © and Raven© Essential Oils, too. These are all strongly scented oils, but I can’t smell them at all.

Sometimes, I can get so caught up in the busy-ness of life that when something happens that slows me down, I get frustrated.  Can you relate?  😉 The day-to-day routine takes over and I forget to enjoy the in-between joys.  We all know we are supposed to stop and smell the roses, so why don’t we do it more? 

Today, even if I wanted to, I would not be able to smell any roses.  I know this virus will work itself out of my body eventually.  The cough and congestion will end and my life will resume.  I may just put a reminder to myself about a month out on my calendar to stop and smell…pay attention to…the scents of life and joy.

Mark your calendars for Friday morning, April 19, just before dawn to go outside and take a look at the Pink Moon! Have a blessed day.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Panda's Birth Story

Birth stories: do you know yours? It's those bits of information that your parents share around your birthdays. I still like hearing my Mom tell about how the maternity ward was being remodeled so I was born in the men's ward of the hospital. It's kind of grounding to hear the stories about those first days.

Panda turns 32 this week.  My firstborn.  We call her our Angel Baby; Man of the House made You Are My Special Angel her song. I've been thinking about her birth story:

April 3, 1987, was your due date. Your Dad was leading music at a weekend revival service in Phoenix   We left our house knowing we would be bringing our baby back with us. 

We were staying in someone else's house, sleeping on a waterbed. I'd never slept on a waterbed, so it was so uncomfortable!  LOL  But they were being so sweet and generous that I couldn't tell them. I felt like a beached whale and couldn't move all night. 

 April 6, 1987: what a long day that was! We went to the doctor first thing that morning and he did something to soften my cervix so it would dilate. Then, we walked. LOL

First it was the Fiesta Mall in Mesa. Your Dad finally realized we were having a baby and spent tons of money in the toy and book stores. We ran into an old friend from college there and she said I didn't look big enough to be having a baby yet. That made me smile. As the day wore on, I became increasingly more uncomfortable, but every time we checked back into the hospital, they said, "Not Yet."

Our next adventure was a visit to Home Depot/ They were fairly new at the time and being who he is, Your Dad wandered the aisles like a drug addict in a pot field.  I sat on the edge of the wood piles and rubbed my tummy.

It was close to dark by now, and Your Dad decided we should check out Show Biz Pizza (which is now Chuck E Cheese's).  By now, you were making your move and I had no appetite. I kept going to the restroom.  One trip, one of the celebrity guests was in the hallway by the restrooms. It was Ladmo of the Wallace & Ladmo Show. He saw my distress and wished me well, which I thought was kind of him. 

As we left the pizza place, I reclined my seat and told Your Dad that he needed to get me to the hospital.  Not wanting to be sent away again, he decided to stop at a softball park and watch a few innings of girls' softball to pass the time.  I was not interested,

The reason we kept getting sent away from Labor & Delivery, we found out later, was due to "copy-cat contractions." I was having contractions every 5 minutes - 3 minutes - 5 minutes - 3 minutes and so they weren't thought of as consistent. The last time we went back, I was having difficulty breathing through the contractions and couldn't talk.  They finally admitted me.

Grandmom & Granddad drove up and got there in time for My Dad to pray one great Baptist prayer (that's what the nurse called it) over us before I went into the last part of active labor.

April 7, 1987: You decided to do a major flip before making your full entrance and this made your umbilical cord warp around your neck. Your heart rate decreased significantly and everyone went into full medical mode. . The birthing room was instantly changed into a surgery room, complete with instruments nearby.  The seasoned doctor cut your cord and said he would give me three chances to push and then he would do a c-section if you still weren't out. So, with everything I had, I pushed.

At 3:13 A.M. Your Dad says you shot out of there like a cannon. There was a pillow under the doctor's hands but he caught you. LOL  You cried.  I asked, "Who is it?"  They brought  you to me and you stuck out your lower lip in a pout and then began to wail.  We'd had quite a day and night and we were both tired and ready to sleep! 

Later that day, family and friends came to see you and everyone was so excited to have you here!  I held you and fed you and I remember thinking, "I have a best friend now for the rest of my  life." 

Friday, March 22, 2019

Spring is Coming!

I’ve been watching a pair of cardinals build a nest in a tree out back.  The shot of red as they pass a window catches my eye.  It’s been a forever-long winter this year, with enough snow and rain to overfill the rivers and keep the trees bare of leaves.  Yet, these two redbirds know that spring is on its way, and so are the little cardinal babies that will hatch in this nest.  Their instincts are stronger than their sight.  They continue to gather the materials to build a strong nest They picked the perfect spot where two branches come together to keep the wind from knocking their hard work to the ground.  And, above all, they sing while they work.  They sound excited and happy as they sing out to each other.  Soon, one will be looking for food while the other keeps the eggs warm.

I’m eager to hear the sounds of baby cardinals in the trees.  By then, the leaves will be out and the branches will be full.  We won’t be able to see the nest anymore, but we’ll hear the sounds of life.  And, if I’m lucky, and I pay attention, I may have the privilege of seeing a few little cardinals fly out of the tree and begin to explore the world.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Year of Babies

There are some years that seem to come and go with no significant happenings.  And then there are the ones in which I just hit January 1 knowing it’s going to be a special one.  We were blessed with two biological children, but because of friendships, have enjoyed being involved in the growing up of several “bonus” kids.  Now, as with ours, the kids are growing up and starting families of their own. It’s a blessed part of life, for sure.

This year is chock full of new babies!  We are so happy to be allowed to rejoice with each family as they bring new life to our world, and thankful to their grandparents for sharing them with us. 

This little bundle of joy was the first to be added to our circle of love, just before the new year.  She is so full of life, loves to explore, and seem to be unafraid.  Her parents are smitten with her, and I just love getting to be a part of her world. 

This handsome little boy has stolen hearts already.  He has a ready smile and such a sweet disposition. He is a special blessing in a transition time for his family, which is God’s way, isn’t it!

This bundle of sugar was a welcome surprise for all of us that love her family.  She has a passle of siblings that loved her before they saw her, and she can’t get enough of them, either.  Her smile is super sweet, and she is one of the most content newborns I’ve ever known.

If these bundles of sweetness don’t give you a hint of how much I cherish new life, let me just make it very clear.  When my own babies were tiny, I came across this Bible verse:  Children are a treasure from the Lord. (Psalm 127:3)  Treasure!  Like an inherited heirloom.  A gift that has been carefully handed to us, intentionally, to be treasured and nurtured and protected.  To be shared with caution, which is why it is so special to me when other families allow us to be a part of their children’s lives.

Now, this year, we will also be getting a special blessing in our own family.  Cowboy and Sweet Thing are bringing a little bit of Sunshine to our lives in October.  We are beyond excited to have another grandbaby to love and watch grow.  I know Little Bit will be a great big sister; she is already planning!

The treasure of children just keeps giving.  We receive the blessings of watching their personalities form.  We get hugs, cuddles, games, jokes, special “just us” moments together. We get to watch as they make life decisions and then…they give us grandchildren!

I enjoy putting artwork on the frig in my kitchen from any of the wonderful blessings that pass through our circle of love. It reminds me that life goes on.  The empty nest doesn’t stay that way forever, even though it feels like it will.  I’m so grateful that God has chosen to bless us with these treasures in this Year of Babies.  Life does goes on.  Thank Heaven! 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Busy vs Lazy

If I found out my life was about to end, how would I react? Would I have done everything I was placed in this generation to do? Would I leave anything undone, unsaid, unnecessarily messy.  I’m sure everyone thinks this way once in a while, maybe more as we age. 

I’ve been convicted of my laziness.  Again.  You may laugh, or maybe you can bear witness with me.  It seems like our culture is one that makes us need to be constantly busy, and I don’t believe in busy-ness for busy’s sake.  (Grammar and spell check don’t like that at all!) As in everything in our world, there are extremes on the line of busy vs lazy. I am fully aware of that fact.  So where is the “sweet spot” between the two? 

We have many things that can take up our precious time that we didn’t have just a few years back.  However, laziness is nothing new.  Even in the Bible, in Psalms and Proverbs especially, laziness is compared to the diligence of the ant, that prepares her bread in the summer and gathers her food in harvest.  (Proverbs 6:8) The New Testament tells us that the things we do are to be done as to the Lord and that we are to run with endurance the race that is set before us.  (Ephesians and Hebrews) And even in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul wrote these inspired words, “ For even when we were with you, this we commanded you:  that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” So, I know that “doing” is godly. 

We also like to pull out the Psalm that tells us to Be still! (Psalm 46:10) What could be more imperative than that? And other scriptures that remind us to listen first, hear God’s voice, and then walk in His ways.  (Isaiah 30:21)

I guess the balance then, is in the way we break up our times of quiet and business.  Are you, like me, a list maker?  Do you start your day checking the to-do list and at the end of the day do you flog yourself for what didn’t get done?  I have to ask myself why it didn’t get done.  Was it because of another necessary task that had to have priority?  Or was it facebook or tv that kept me from completing my list. 

When my children were at home, they always took priority over anything else I was doing.  I may have been in the middle of cleaning the bathroom, or some other task that needed finishing, but as soon as I could stop, they got my full attention.  I realized that the dust and dishes would still be there after they went to bed, and certainly after they left home.  But I also had the responsibility of keeping a sanitary and healthy environment in our home.  Sometimes, we did the chores together and had meaningful moments and talks in that time also.  So, don’t let my ramblings give you the impression that my children ruled my time.  It is a matter of recognizing the importance of each moment of the day.

As a homemaker, I certainly did not go gracefully into that empty nest.  I missed the interaction with my children so much it ached.  I even said out loud that I was “retired” as a mom. (My daughter corrected me often on this, by the way.)  And I found myself wondering what I was going to do with all this free time I now had.  What were the things I had “always” wanted to do?  The truth that kept coming back to me was that I had asked God to make me a wife and a mom; it was all I’d ever wanted, all I’d ever dreamed and day dreamed about. 

Depression and laziness are ugly stepsisters.  They come in and bark orders and giggle as you struggle through your days.  They call you names and make you feel “less than.”  And until you stand up to them like the bullies that they are, they will take over your every thought and action.  This was something I could not do alone.  And I am so very grateful that I have a God Who cares!  (1 Peter 5:7)  And even now, when I struggle with loneliness, I can turn to Him and He gives me strength to get up, move, do something. 

I think we all want to matter.  We all want to make a difference while we are here on planet earth. We may not know what that difference is until we see Jesus, but until then, we are called to be faithful.  I am called to be faithful.  Have I done everything I was placed in this generation to do?  Well, I will continue to walk one step at a time, in His grace, until He calls me home.  I will be sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit when I am being lazy and, also, when I am overdoing it.  And when He calls me home, I will relax in His presence and continue to do His will for eternity.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Will I dance for you, Jesus?

One day in first grade, my young teacher had us lay down on drawing paper and she drew around us to create our silhouette. Then she told us to draw and color what we wanted to be “when we grew up.” The empty “canvas” did not scare me at all. I drew myself as a ballet dancer, pink tutu and all.  I proudly took my rolled-up-and-tied masterpiece home and Mom helped me tape it to the back of my bedroom door. It stayed there until the corners were so torn, they could not be taped up anymore and the paper had become discolored. 

As I grew, I realized I didn’t have the grace or the talent that it would take to be a ballerina. I left the twirling to the tiny dancer in my jewelry box and turned my sights on more left-brained career choices.  I never lost my fascination with the graceful art of ballet, though. I have yet to convince Man of the House that we need to see The Nutcracker Ballet, but each year I try.  I marvel at the raw talent of the children in recitals and watch with fascination as the few grow into graceful young ballerinas. 

Lately, I have been listening to music with almost a new ear.  I’ve been more intent on listening to the music itself rather than just enjoying the lyrics.  I don’t know music any better than I know ballet, but I’m learning to ride the highs and lows, the ins and outs, the passionate emphases of certain parts of the melody and recognize the balance that the harmony brings. 

So, it should have been no surprise when I woke from a beautiful dream a few nights ago in which a ballerina was dancing to a song that I’d been listening to over and over for a while.  But I was surprised. I woke with a feeling of fulfillment and peace in my heart, as if I had been the dancer. The song is a worship song that I’ve loved from the moment I heard it; it’s one that I sometimes sing along to and other times, I just listen and weep. 

Another song I love has these lyrics:
Surrounded by Your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus
Or in awe of You be still?
Will I stand in your presence
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all?”

Maybe my dream was my soul letting me know that I may one day be able to dance my worship, when I am finally in the presence of the Lover of my Soul. Jesus, I can’t wait for the day when my five-year-old self can gracefully praise You with the dance. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Preparing for Family

As I prepare our home for the holiday season, I find myself anticipating the looks on the kids’ faces as they step into the house.  I’ve tried to make every room welcoming and I place little surprises around for them to find.  They could be reminders of holidays past or something I found on our travels that will bring a smile to their hearts. I move things around often, just to keep the house alive and “homey.”

Recently, one of them told me they feel like they finally have a “home.”  The same one that, as much as we all loved spending time with friends, would innocently look at me on a random Saturday morning and say, “Can it just be our family today?”  And we would circle the wagons for a while.
Funny thing about this life is that, as our family grows, “just our family” includes new people like A Sweet Thing, Little Bit, and others that may join our crew.  This family started with two imperfect people, some audacious dreams, and barely two pennies to scrape together and make a fire. The growth has been amazing, adventurous, and sometimes alarming. Because hearts and homes tend to grow when love fills them.

So, as the air cools off and the nights get longer, I’m decorating our home with our family in mind.  Because, truth be told, my heart, too, is refreshed when, sometimes, it’s “just our family today.”