Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pink Moon Rising

I’ve had an ugly head and chest cold this week.  There are so many things I could say about that, but you’ve all experienced the congestion, the coughing, the sneezing, the phlegm!  The thing that is hanging on, and really bothering me at the end of this virus, is this:  I can’t smell or taste anything! UGH! Been there?

I have a hot cup of green ginger tea with honey next to me as I write today, but those sips are tasting like…well…hot water.  I know the tea and honey are doing good things in my throat, but the joy of tasting is not there. 

I know my son made breakfast today, complete with bacon and fried potatoes. However, I cannot smell any of it.  It makes a difference.

I am diffusing Thieves© Essential Oil all over the house so that our immune systems can get built up, the house can be disinfected, and Thieves also dissolves excess mucus. I’ve been oiling with RC © and Raven© Essential Oils, too. These are all strongly scented oils, but I can’t smell them at all.

Sometimes, I can get so caught up in the busy-ness of life that when something happens that slows me down, I get frustrated.  Can you relate?  😉 The day-to-day routine takes over and I forget to enjoy the in-between joys.  We all know we are supposed to stop and smell the roses, so why don’t we do it more? 

Today, even if I wanted to, I would not be able to smell any roses.  I know this virus will work itself out of my body eventually.  The cough and congestion will end and my life will resume.  I may just put a reminder to myself about a month out on my calendar to stop and smell…pay attention to…the scents of life and joy.

Mark your calendars for Friday morning, April 19, just before dawn to go outside and take a look at the Pink Moon! Have a blessed day.

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