Charles Fillmore said, "It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom." Little girls can imagine castles and princesses, and tea parties are never boring when you can imagine along with them! Little boys are right in the middle of the kingdom battles with swords and light sabers drawn! They are imagining the kingdom and living as if they were truly there.
Jesus said, " I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15. Spend a few minutes with a child at your church and you will get a glimpse of the kingdom of God. Ask the children who Jesus loves and they will tell you with a stronger faith than you will see in all the elders. Ask them what Jesus can do and their faith will tell you in no uncertain terms, "Anything!" Because the childlike mind finds the kingdom and lives in it.
Isn't it a sad thing that as we grow in stature, we "outgrow' childlike faith? We become hardened, bitter, skeptical, and cynical about the world around us. We pick and choose with whom we share ourselves and our Jesus, but a child will walk up to anyone and tell them about Jesus' love and about their faith. Children aren't afraid to say that there are some things they just don't do because it wouldn't please Jesus. A child is ready to pray on the spur of the moment when things look scary or confusing.
One thing that I see that hardens our hearts is that children look to us to confirm their faith. They take it to Jesus, but do they see us do the same? When they realize they are the only ones looking to Jesus, they start to question their faith. Jesus had something to say about that, too! "But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!" Matthew 18:6.
I love to be around children! I like to hear them talk about what they are experiencing, what they are playing, how they see the world around them. I always learn something new when I sit with a child! Most of all, when I spend time with a child, my faith is strengthened. They don't question what they are told; they trust that God is there watching over them and taking care of them. As adults, we need to be careful of what we say to and around children. Are we talking down to them, treating them like they do not understand? Jesus says we are to welcome the kingdom of God into our lives like a little child! Trust. Obey. Too simple? Too childlike?
I challenge you to take some time in the very near future to sit and play with and truly LISTEN to a child. You will be amazed at what you learn! Then take that experience and go into YOUR world. Take the kingdom out with childlike faith that God is with you. Be intentional with your Christian walk: the children are!
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